Our Workshops and Book Studies vary throughout the year follow our social media accounts to hear about the latest online and in-person events! Instagram: @SacredTreehouse FB: Sacred Treehouse
Quick Click on a program listed to get the latest update: Intuitive Nourishment, Body Kindness, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Mindful Self Compassion
Book Study: EcoDharma
Starting January 2024 via Zoom
This landmark work is simultaneously a manifesto, a blueprint, a call to action, and a deep comfort for troubling times. David R. Loy masterfully lays out the principles and perspectives of Ecodharma—a Buddhist response to our ecological predicament, introducing a new term for a new development of the Buddhist tradition.
This book emphasizes the three aspects of Ecodharma:
- Practicing in the natural world
- Exploring the ecological implications of Buddhist teachings
- Embodying that understanding in the eco-activism that is needed today
Within these pages, you’ll discover the powerful ways Buddhism can inspire us to heal the world we share. Offering a compelling framework and practical spiritual resources, Loy outlines the Ecosattva Path, a path of liberation and salvation for all beings and the world itself.We will read the book and meet on a biweekly basis, every other week. The book club is part of our membership community. Join our community to get access to the book club and other incredible mindfulness tools or email us info@sacredtreehouse.org if you would like to only join the book club for this book.
BREATHE – Bring Mindfulness into Your Team
BREATHE is a transformative mindfulness workshop tailored to meet the needs of busy professionals seeking to alleviate stress and anxiety, enhance focus and performance, and unlock their creative potential by being fully present in the moment. Our comprehensive program features both theoretical and practical sessions that introduce participants to the practice of mindfulness and its numerous benefits for mental and emotional well-being.
We understand that every business is unique, and that’s why we offer a customizable workshop schedule that’s tailored to your specific goals and needs. Our expert instructors can teach a variety of mindfulness practices or a select few key tools to help your team integrate mindfulness into their daily routines. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have the ingredients and pathway to build a more balanced, focused, and productive life.
If you’re looking to improve your team’s communication, relationships, and overall well-being, our mindfulness for professionals workshop is the perfect solution. Contact us at info@sacredtreehouse.org to learn more about how we can support your team’s growth and success.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – ur most widely taken course at the Sacred Treehouse – 8 week program – navigate to our website section titled MBSR to learn more
Mindful Self-Compassion – 8 week program – navigate to our website section titled MSC for info
Past Workshops
We would be happy to bring any of these to your organization, business, or school. Please email us which current or past workshops you would like to have hosted for your group and we will get back to you with the details! Email us at info@sacredtreehouse.org
Past Book Studies have been on: Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach, Welcoming the Unwelcome by Pema Chodren, Letting Go by David Hawkins, Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenburg
Couples Yoga Group Practice – 6 week commitment
Building Your Mindful Movement Practice – in-person and online
Eat Happy! Cooking and Nutrition Workshops for Kids (suggested 9 yrs old and up)
Is your child tired of the food in their lunchbox? Have you been giving your child the evil eye when they reach for that bag of chips? Want your child to communicate their nutrition needs and develop a healthy relationship with food? Our nutritionist, Christie Caggiani, RDN, LDN, will teach you how!
During this workshop, your child will:
- Learn to prepare delicious food all by yourself
- Enjoy lunch with Mom or Dad
- Wind down with a yoga class or creative art project
- Parent Nutrition Lecture and Q & A with Christie is included!